Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Attacks hurt and fatal analysis

      First of all, I hope that the things I write, everyone, I've written a "dual wielding and gun harm contrast, fatal dividing line, when I am deadly over 390 Daguai experience and after a period of double-held, write some The Heart Germany to now dual wield.
     Be clear about why dual wielding? Right, is to be efficient, to quickly resolve the other side, playing at the same level monsters, and generally can not be within 15 seconds to kill the monster, continuous crit should be 6-8 seconds to kill the same level monster, I kill 37 Goblin 37 can (compare image), a lot of people say you are so hit so fast, I am so much worse, that to everyone in this column under the dual wielding the premise of the fast seckill monster.
Almost 1 set 4-hole equipment, weapons can be 3-hole total of 26-hole
On at least +12 stone, now 13 and 15 are more expensive, I would like to back is difficult, so 26-hole, is fatal 312, this is very important! !
Take the dagger main hand attack should not exceed 220, the sword (Recommended hell), it should be more than 260.
4. Whether you choose a dagger or sword as his running mate, his deputy is good or bad, only two standards. Holes to 2 additional properties must have attack or fatal! Even if you put 35 gold weapons deputies, deputy attacks are never more than the main hand hell main hand attack, the deputy select only a fact attributed to, regardless if additional fatal (including Shanghao Stone) , total fatal job can.
4:00 in accordance with the above, even if you have five jewelry is poor, fatal at least 420 or more, if the jewelry is a good point, deputies also relatively good, can go to 500 or so, and then another job impossible, in the end the hole too few, and 15 stone expensive, full-on 15, but can be the fatal push to about 560 to reach 600 at this stage impossible.
4:00 above, looks like very difficult to achieve, can we think the next 4 hole blue, you can not get the 4 hole Warriors can always main hand hell hard 26 12 stone, even if the failure 100W total almost it, to be honest I was 35 to dual wield, because the gun is too expensive, my body is a 40 blue gun is estimated prices, but indeed very practical.
My main hand 278 deputy 206 fatal 485 Main Hand Hit 1127 1036 deputy, weapons defense 1305 IAS 1.8.
      Suffer down to talk about the attack of stone and fatal stone which is more suitable for dual wielding.
      Discussion under the now the continent's attack +4 and lethal +12, the pros and cons of the two kinds of stone.
For example, the 26-hole full 12 stone 37 sword Star, fatal 420-480 between taking the middle number 450 better.
        The 26-hole full stone +4 attack, fatal probably only 150 or so, take the dagger, to more than 50, also in his early 200, even if the attack is high, it is not much use.
       This is the case at this stage, up body 7 equipment cases, up to 28-hole on fatal not so enough, clearly not on the attack, but my article title says 45 ultimate contrast, that which gives contrast 45 pairs held full-on attack +5 stones and full of deadly 15 stone contrast.
      First, the main hand, the deputy to get up to the people of the flash strengthen Hill copper sword weapons grade.
    Swords system works soul imprint can trade
   Quality: The only
  Use Level: 50
  Occupation: All
Damage: 153 to 187 Speed: 1.4 Hit: 817 Physical Crit: 50 Defence: 745 Magic Hit: 265 Weapon Defense: +102 Physical Crit: +52 Physical Attack: +30
Light main hand and his deputy, fatal, there is 50 +52 +52, plus two weapons 8 holes on 15 full stone weapons did not seem to stone attack on the people, a total of 274.
5 jewelry, necklaces: 43 Shining ruby ​​necklace fatal to +37
         Earrings: 38 glorious gorgeous garnet earrings, fatal +26,2 52
         Ring: 39 glorious gorgeous crazy ring, fatal the +19,2 one 38
5 jewelry, a total of 37 +52 +38 = 127, and above 274, a total of 127 +274 = 401 If you take the dagger, plus 50,451, following deadly brackets are to take
Dagger fatal.
Is the ultimate contrast guard captains of thousands and Sword, these items did not choose, in fact, To equip obtained the degree of difficulty, just a little effort can get all the production equipment.
       Differences to be here, divided into two faction
Crit stream. Fatal, in addition to weapons, equipment suffer down 5 20 hole full on 15 fatal, a total of 300, the fatal pushed to 701 (dagger 751)
The 2.1 equipment fatal attack on 4 +5, so the lethal 461 (dagger 511) attack high 80
If the sword, playing at the same level blame, about 250 ordinary attack the main hand, about 150 deputies, deputy hurt 60% of the main hand
Replaced the main hand dagger, ordinary attack about 200 deputies about 120
(PS: Many people say how can there be so high? Take gold weapons in order to achieve this hurt, now ordinary blue weapons
Sword main hand about 200 deputies about 120
Take the dagger around 170 deputies about 90)

We are here to take double long example
1 sword master hand + the deputy, total damage is 400, all on the deadly, fatal and 701 fatal 500 before fatal effect of 95%, but the actual fatal 500, half the lethal effect of 50%
The 701 fatal fatal probability 500 * 9.5% = 47.5% plus 500 after halving the effects of the deadly, should be about 57%.
2.1 equipment fatal +5, so fatal 461 (dagger 511), the other four on the attack, the attack is higher 80 so deadly is 461, the actual fatal about 44% of the probability, the attack +80,
The main hand damage +80 +80 * 60% = 48 deputy hurt, deputy to the main hand damage increased by 80 +48 = 128, the original injury was 400, now 400 +128 = 528.
Now to discuss the combat effectiveness of the two kinds of programs
I attributed physical combat effectiveness formula
Combat effectiveness = original damage + original injury, the * fatal Probability * fatal multiples
The first, the total damage is 400, 57% of the fatal sword fatal multiple of 2.3
Combat effectiveness = 400 +400 * 57% * 2.3 = 924.4
Second, the total damage of 448 fatal 44%
Combat effectiveness = 528 +528 * 44% * 2.3 = 1062.3
The second than the first one actually much higher, in fact, I just feel so much worse figure out, then I thought, there are four:
1, and now Crit not higher than the case of 500, 500 fatal effect halved impact
At this stage to leveling the main monster defense is generally not high, and this time than attack plus benefits plus fatal, fight monsters nice, watching the storm out the figures much good.
Few PK, as long as you and the guardian or sword Star playing, you know himself fatally high, the storm will not be more than 600 high anti-occupation dual wielding deadly stream nemesis!
4 online every day, say fatal good, a few days ago, there to kill the star map, fatal 553, but a deputy of the main hand attack attributes inside before 170 and 140.
Now many people blindly fatal blind pursuit of high violence, yet the most basic harm forgot, in fact, on the stone attack, more than 128 injuries, can make you a fatal, can be more
Hit 300 damage! If you are only 700-900 can be up to 1000-1200, are recommended for the fatal high up in this, the lethal control between 450-500, the extra crit
Stone attack on the hole, and you will find out that they attack can improve a lot.
May later write some front should now nobody outfit I said, although the production department can do, this is the experience of South Korea as well as my own dual wielding experience and body
Council, in which the taste, I hope you slowly realize.
There is a gun mainly by knockout, regardless of how equipment, fatal over 400 dual wield absolute fast than gun brush, unless the face of the ultra-high anti strange dual wielding injury of severe repression, the gun will be more than double
Held the powerful, but ordinary leveling so elite monsters, do not fight it, and Sword Star skilled use of the gun and held the advantage of using the switch weapons, to achieve the best results.

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