Saturday, February 23, 2013

Know Thy Enemy: Portrait of a Thunder King


Pandaria is a land rife with both a tragic and inspiring history. Its denizens have overcome many trials and tribulations rising beyond it to become masters of their own destiny. But, destiny has a way of changing and history is always in the making. As Pandaria emerges into a changed Azeroth, the surviving mogu stir and begin their plans anew. They crave the domain they once held, and, to regain it, they will sweep usurpers and invaders alike into the dust.

In the upcoming patch, a threat the pandaren had thought long buried will reemerge in the form of the once powerful mogu leader, Lei Shen. Joined with the power of the Zandalari, the mogu seek to once more exert their dominance over Pandaria. It falls to the heroes of the Alliance and the Horde to lend their aid in stopping the newly resurrected tyrant and his Zandalari allies. world of warcraft gold

It’s been a long journey since we first stepped foot in Pandaria. We've met the formidable and resourceful pandaren, made friends (or enemies) with the hozen and jinyu; we've faced the threat of the mantid, and unleashed long buried horrors upon the land in the form of the sha. But, amidst all of this, there was an even more insidious threat to take notice of. Layers upon layers of conflict can be found on the continent, including the situation involving the mogu and their once and perhaps (more frighteningly) future emperor, Lei Shen.


There is much to be said of the ways of the mogu. They are a race that covets power and their history is written in the blood of their enemies. In the past, warring clans and kingdoms fought for dominion over parcels of land, each looking to gain the upper hand against their neighbours. At least, this was the way of the mogu until Lei Shen, who through his own power and cunning became the greatest of the mogu. Born during the Age of a Hundred Kings, Lei Shen was the son of a warlord and possessed a strength that commanded respect from the other mogu. He went on to do what many thought impossible; he united the mogu kings beneath him and declared himself emperor.

Once united, the mogu swept across Pandaria, conquering and subjugating all of the other races—until he encountered the mantid. Knowing the mantid would never bow to his authority, it was Lei Shen who ordered the building of the Serpent Spine to span the length of the empire. The Lore walkers have been diligent in chronicling the history of Pandaria and have this text on record:


It has been written that when the great Lei Shen first looked upon the lands of the mantid, he did not feel fear, but inspiration. wow power leveling

As he began to unify his people under a single banner and subjugate the other races of Pandaria, he knew that the mantid would never succumb to his authority. They spoke his language, the language of strength. He commanded his slaves to construct the Serpent's Spine, a magnificent wall that spanned the length of the empire.

It would take many generations to build. But Lei Shen knew how to motivate his subjects. Fear. Fear of the mantid moved mountains, raised armies, secured his empire, and built his wall.

It was also Lei Shen who unified the language and built the awe-inspiring structures found throughout Pandaria, including the extravagant palaces in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms.


There is much more to be learned of this great enemy. Even now, the Golden Lotus works to ensure the safety of the Vale of Eternal Blossoms. Heroes who have fought with the Zandalari in Kun-Lai's Valley of Emperors know first-hand that Lei Shen has been risen. The former tyrant lives again and seeks to reclaim his former glory. If you wish to know more, travel to Kun-Lai Summit, speak with the Golden Lotus, brave Mogu'shan Vaults, and keep an eye on the ongoing research of the Lore walkers. Arm yourselves with knowledge of your enemy, and you’re sure to rise up victorious, because if you fall, all of Pandaria may fall with you.

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Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Un trimestre en forte progression porté par Lineage 1 et Guild Wars 2


Si le premier Lineage reste l'un des titres phares de NCsoft, au cours du dernier trimestre 2012, Guild Wars 2 s'est imposé économiquement comme le premier MMORPG du groupe. Le bénéfice de NCsoft progresse de 116% sur le trimestre.

Comme chaque trimestre, NCsoft publie ses résultats financiers et on attendait tout particulièrement les chiffres du quatrième trimestre 2012 puisqu'ils sont les premiers à rendre compte (sous la totalité de l'exercice fiscal considéré) de l'effet commercial de Guild Wars 2. Et force est de constater que les chiffres marquent une très forte croissance.

Entre octobre et décembre dernier, NCsoft a enregistré un chiffre d'affaires de 283 milliards de wons (192 millions d'euros), en progression de 56% par rapport au trimestre précédent déjà en hausse et de 104% d'une année sur l'autre. En termes de résultats nets, le Coréen revendique un bénéfice de 102 milliards de wons (69 millions d'euros), soit une hausse de 116% en un trimestre (il a seulement six mois, NCsoft enregistrait des pertes) et de 498% en un an, le tout malgré un hausse de 98% de ses co?ts de marketing (investis pour assurer la promotion de Guild Wars 2, notamment).

En plus du jeu mobile, NCsoft ne fait pas mystère des moteurs de croissances : le premier Lineage génère toujours 44 millions d'euros sur le trimestre, soit 24% des résultats du groupe, majoritairement en Corée qui reste le territoire phare de NCsoft (43% de ses activités), mais aussi Guild Wars 2 en Occident, devenu le premier titre de NCsoft en termes d'activité économique (avec un chiffre d'affaires de 80 millions d'euros, soit 45% de ses activités), faisant bondir la place des continents nord-américain et européen parmi les territoires d'importances pour NCsoft (totalisant respectivement 25% et 18% des activités de la société). Pour l'anecdote, les résultats du seul ArenaNet ont progressé de 13753% en un an (passant d'un chiffre d'affaires quasi-nul lors du quatrième trimestre 2011 à plus de 35 millions de dollars de ventes lors de la même période en 2012).  cheap Wars 2 gold

Au cours du même trimestre, Blade and Soul et Aion ne déméritent pas, générant respectivement 18 et 17 millions d'euros.

Si la croissance est impressionnante, on image qu'elle ne conservera pas cette même ligne de progression durablement dans la mesure où Guild Wars 2 s'appuie commercialement, notamment sur des ventes de bo?tes de jeu moins récurrentes que les abonnements mensuels. Pour autant, le groupe coréen affirme réaliser un part significative de ses résultats avec les boutiques d'objets de ses MMO et on imagine qu'avec Lineage, Guild Wars 2 n'est pas étranger.
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