Saturday, January 26, 2013

Guild Wars 2 Huntsman Leveling Guide 0-400


Becoming a Huntsman is more expensive than the guides I've produced previously but it is notably quicker because of it. It’s also possible to recoup some of the initial outlay of money from the weapons you craft, to then sell back to the vendor or to list/salvage on the Trading Post.

Unlike becoming a Chef or Artificer, leveling this and the remaining crafting professions can still take some time (about an hour if you have all the ingredients). This method however is quicker than Jewel crafting. Similarly to Jewel crafting, there are a large amount of ingredients involved so it’s always worth paying careful attention to what you have and haven’t bought. It’s also recommend you check your crafting bank in the event you already own some materials. buy gw2 gold

Huntsman are capable of crafting bows (both long and short) torches, pistols, rifles, warhorns and harpoon guns. They can also make consumable maintenance oils that provide buffs similar to cooking or artificing.

Total Cost: 10g (with the potential to recoup 2g)

Please note: It is always recommend that you place Buy Orders for crafting ingredients or components. This will take a period of time to gather them all, but will save you money.

Ingredients to Purchase
Huntsman Vendor

210 Jugs of Water (batches of 10)
99 Lump of Coal
99 Lump of Primordium
Valkyrie Mithril Imbued Inscription (672 Karma)
Carrion Mithril Imbued Inscription (672 Karma)
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591 Elder Wood Log
240 Green Wood Log
351 Hard Wood Log
270 Seasoned Wood Log
360 Soft Wood Log
513 Iron Ore
65 Mithril Ore
198 Platinum Ore
258 Thick Leather Section
72 Claw
72 Full Venom Sac
72 Small Claw
45 Large Bone
30 Large Fang
20 Pile of Glittering Dust
4 Pile of Shimmering Dust
27 Berserker’s Hard Inscription
40 Bronze Torch Head
12 Carrion Mithril Plated Inscription
27 Honed Soft Inscription
27 Iron Warhorn Mouthpiece
13 Malign Bronze Plated Inscription
27 Rampager’s Elder Inscription
27 Resilient Green Inscription

Make 80 Green Wood Plank
Make 40 Green Torch Handle
Discover Apprentice Maintenance Oil with Jug of Water and Pile of Glittering Dust
Make 4 Apprentice Maintenance Oil
Discover Resilient Crude Torch with Green Torch Handle, Bronze Torch head, Resilient Green Inscription
Make 26 Resilient Crude Torch
Discover Malign Crude Torch with Green Torch handle, Bronze Torch head, Malign Bronze Plated Inscription
Make 12 Malign Crude Torch   buy or sell Guild Wars 2 gold


Make 72 Iron Ingot
Make 90 Soft Wood Plank
Make 36 Iron Horn
Make 9 Iron Warhorn Mouthpiece
Discover Journeyman Maintenance Oil with Jug of Water and Pile of Shimmering Dust
Discover Honed Simple Warhorn with Iron Horn, Iron Warhorn Mouthpiece, Honed Soft Inscription
Make 26 Honed Simple Warhorn
Make 9 Iron Plated Dowel
Make 9 Pillaging Iron Plated Inscription
Discover Pillaging Simple Warhorn with Iron Horn, Iron Warhorn Mouthpiece, Pillaging Iron Plated Inscription
Make 8 Pillaging Simple Warhorn

Make 90 Seasoned Wood Plank
Make 99 Steel Ingot
Make 9 Seasoned Torch Handle
Make 27 Steel Horn
Make 9 Steel Torch Head
Make 27 Steel Warhorn Mouthpiece
Discover Hearty Warhorn with Steel Horn, Steel Warhorn Mouthpiece, Hearty Seasoned Inscription
Make 26 Hearty Warhorn
Make 9 Steel Plated Dowel
Make 9 Pillaging Steel Plated Inscription
Discover Pillaging Torch with Steel Torch Head, Seasoned Torch Handle, Pillaging Steel Plated Inscription
Make 8 Pillaging Torch

Make 99 Darksteel Ingot
Make 117 Hard Wood Plank
Make 27 Darksteel Horn
Make 27 Darksteel Warhorn Mouthpiece
Make 9 Hard Harpoon
Make 9 Hard Rifle Stock
Discover Berserker’s Hard Warhorn with Darksteel Horn, Darksteel Warhorn Mouthpiece, Berserker’s Hard Inscription
Make 26 Berserker’s Hard Warhorn
Make 9 Darksteel Plated Dowel
Make 9 Rampager’s Darksteel Plated Inscription
Discover Rampager’s Hard Harpoon Gun with Hard Harpoon, Hard Rifle Stock, Rampager’s Darksteel Plated Inscription
Make 8 Rampager’s Hard Harpoon Gun

Make 129 Cured Thick Leather Square
Make 197 Elder Wood Plank
Make 32 Mithril Ingot
Make 1 Elder Harpoon
Make 1 Elder Rifle Stock
Make 14 Elder Longbow Stave
Make 29 Elder Shortbow Stave
Make 43 Thick String
Discover Rampager’s Elder Shortbow with Elder Shortbow Stave, Thick String, Rampager’s Elder Inscription
Make 26 Rampager’s Elder Shortbow

Make 10 Mithril Plated Dowel
Discover Carrion Elder Longbow with Elder Longbow Stave, Thick String, Carrion Mithril Plated Inscription
Make 11 Carrion Elder Longbow
Make 3 Carrion Mithril Imbued Inscription (use the Karma recipie)
Make 2 Valkyrie Mithril Imbued Inscription  (use the Karma recipie)
Discover Carrion Krait Harpoon Gun with Elder Harpoon, Elder Rifle Stock, Carrion Mithril Imbued Inscription
Discover Carrion Krait Recurve Bow with Elder Longbow Stave, Thick String, Carrion Mithril Imbued Inscription
Discover Carrion Krait Shortbow with Elder Shortbow Stave, Thick String, Carrion Mithril Imbued Inscription
Discover Valkyrie Krait Recurve Bow with Elder Longbow Stave, Thick String, Carrion Mithril Imbued Inscription
Discover Valkyrie Krait Shortbow with Elder Shortbow Stave, Thick String, Carrion Mithril Imbued Inscription
I would like to thank Aeroda and Mystic Llama for providing the basis of the above guide.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Wings Over Atreia: PvP tourney produces victory for winner and Aion


Well, speak of the devil! No sooner did I get done exploring the topic of whether or not PvP is player-generated content than I stumbled upon some players generating content based on PvP in Aion. And by "stumbled upon," I mean "noticed on the launcher while loading up for some winged fun." The group Epidemic Gaming was set to host a PvP tournament on the Tiamat server. As an obvious fan of PGC, I immediately made plans to attend.

I'll be the first to admit I am not by any means a master of PvP (so you can quit your laughing over there before your sides split), but both the announcement and the message itself brought a smile to my face and more hope to my heart. Heck, I may even have more spring in my step! Why? I'll tell you why! Join me as we check out this battle royal where the Daevas of Tiamat duke it out until there's only one standing as well as what an event such as this means for Aion.(2)

A smile... hope... springy steps?! One little blurb did all that? In a word -- yup! And not because I've been sniffing nepeta. Both this event and its advertisement hold significance; they really emphasize things that I see as definite pluses for Aion.  Cheap Aion Kina

First, the event itself demonstrates that a game doesn't have to have a ton of sandboxy tools in order for PGC to become a part of the experience. Aion is definitely light on tools to facilitate player-generated content, but that's no reason to think it can't be done; creative players will do it anyway. In this particular case, the content is actually something that fits right in to the theme of the game as a whole.

Why should we care about the prevalence of player-created events in a game? Because it increases player involvement, and more involvement means more personal investment in the game, which in turn translates into better retention. More players are always a good thing! And along those lines, by streaming the event (and over 1,500 folks tuned in), Aion gets more exposure, which can turn into still more players.    Buy Aion Gold

Secondly, finding the event so prominently advertised in the official news shows NCsoft's support for a player-run event. Sometimes the success of an event hinges on having enough participation, and getting the word out via an official channel certainly increases participation. I know I wouldn't have known about the tournament otherwise and would have missed it entirely. The tournament also received in-game support from the community team, including making the arenas private to the event and teleporting contestants back and forth.

How does this benefit the rest of us? Now folks know that if they plan out an event, they too might get some official support, be it advertising or perhaps even more. All they need to do is ask. Don't let the fact that your group isn't as large as Epidemic Gaming deter you!

The main event

Now we know why the event is good, so let's talk about the nitty-gritty of the event itself. The tournament is a best-of event where 64 total participants were paired off and whittled down by half each round until one single victor emerged. In rounds one and two, the winners were determined by the best out of three matches. The next three rounds consisted of five matches each. The final remaining round was a grueling best-of-seven battle royal.

A few other notes about the contest. There were potting rules, rules for delay of game, and rules to prevent the matches from drawing out inordinately long. Also, AP was on the line; anyone who lost AP due to death from the opposing faction lost it permanently. The fights took place in the cordoned off arenas in the capital cities. The entire affair was streamed live, as spectators were not allowed in the arena areas.  cheap dekaron gold

On to the show!

Woo hoo! It's show time! While obviously lacking the necessary skill in PvP to get far in the contest itself (I am still an insanely low level on that server), I aim to support the community. Not only that, but I enjoy basking in the original content and interactions that come out of events. So of course I went to watch and cheer on the contestants. Sadly, I learned that general spectators were not allowed in-game (apparently there were issues with spectators last time that interfered with a previous event). Luckily, I got a key to the special press box where I could watch the event unfold to share with you.

As with many larger scale things that involves coordination of many different components, the actual event got off to a late start (partly due to the interference of players not in the event). Then after such a long wait, the first match went by in a blink. In fact, many of the matches went pretty quickly and didn't need anywhere near the full 10 minutes allotted.

The entire event was streamed live, with Zeromi and Infliction commentating. For those who were watching via lives tream, the commentators called out what skills were used and the effects of those moves on the fight. The coverage bounced from Panda emonium to Sanctum and back again as each pair fought for the right to move on to the next round. Contestants waiting their turn watched from the stands.(4)

How did it all turn out? There were a few no-show disqualifications, some surprise results, and even a few upsets. Some fights went by lickity split, while others were a bit more drawn out. In the end, it was down to two Asmodians facing off in the arena: a Sorceror named Drante and a Templar named Fafaa. When the feathers settled, it was the Templar who remained standing, the ultimate victor. Congratulations to Fafaa.

And that, my friends, is a wrap. The Tiamat PvP Tournament is over, but word has it that Israphel can request one, so be on the look out for another in the future. Thanks to Epidemic Gaming for organizing and putting on this event, and thanks to NC soft for giving so much GM support. It was a nice change of pace from the daily ins and outs of Daeva life in Aion.


Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Come challenge WAKFU players!

The inter-community ladder is about to end, but will be replaced by another competition! Take time to applaud the International Community and throw yourself into Krosmaster Arena! Fight WAKFU players to win a week-end of experience and drop increased by 25%!(1)


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